Wednesday 11/13

Wednesday 11/13

Examination III

As before, this entire class period is given over to Examination III in light of the range of topics it covers.

Please note that this exam is worth 150 points. So it is important that you carefully review all of the notes, handouts, texts, and, crucially, the synopses for each of the lecture days. Make sure you understand all of the arguments--the arguments for each theory, and the arguments against. Be sure you understand the theories, how to apply them, and the Reflective Equilibrium arguments we have considered. Given the number of theories and arguments we've taken up since Examiantion II, it would be a great idea to use flash cards to help memorize them.

Examination III is organized as follows:

  1. Utilitarianism
    • Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Goods
    • Eudaimonism, Hedonism, Qualified Hedonism, Idealism, and Preferentialism
    • Justice, Rights, and Backward-Looking Reasons Arguments
    • Act vs. Rule Utilitarianism
  2. Deontology
    • Kant's fundamental objection to Utilitarianism
    • The First and Second Formulations of the Categorical Imperative
    • Kantian Deductions
    • The Case of the Inquiring Murderer
  3. Ethical Egoism
  4. Contractarianism
    • The Prisoner's Dilemma
    • Defectors and the State of Nature
    • The Veil of Ignorance
    • The Non-Rational Humans and Non-Human Animals Arguments
  5. Virtue Ethics