Thursday 2/7

Thursday 2/7

Examination I

Please note that we take the first of our three examinations today. We will begin promptly; it is very important that you arrive on time. Plan on using the entire class time to complete the examination. Topics will include:

  1. Moral Dilemmas,
  2. Basic Logic Terminology,
  3. Standards of Evaluation,
  4. Cultural Ethical Relativism,
  5. Simple Ethical Subjectivism,
  6. Ethical Objectivism and Emotivism

Please note that Divine Command Theory will not appear on this examination. It will instead be a topic for Examination II, which is scheduled for Tuesday, 2/26.

Although I have not yet written the exam for today, I would expect it to consist mostly of T/F and MC questions. There may be some short answer or short essay questions, but few of them in light of the take home essays you are responsible for writing this semester.