Term Paper Rough Draft

Term Paper Rough Draft

What are the requirements for the Rough Draft?

In theory a rough draft should be longer than the final draft, so your problem is that of taking material out and editing to meet the maximum length of 15 pages for the final draft. It almost never works out that way in practice.

In practice, you will begin the process of articulating a plan for the paper, writing an introduction, and constructing each of the sections your argument requires. You want, however, to make as good a start on this as you can. The more material I have, the more I have to comment on for use in bringing the final draft home, as it were.

Accordingly, let us set a minimum of 12 pages (double-spaced) in a reasonable font with reasonable margins. I underscore that this is a minimum. I would be much happier seeing an 18 page draft than a 12 page draft.

Bear in mind that your goal on the rough draft is to begin sketching the relevant arguments and your ideas about them. Don't be surprised if the final draft of the paper winds up looking very, very different from the rough draft.

When is the Rough Draft due?

According to our calendar, the Term Paper Rough Draft is due in class Thursday, April 27.

What is the Rough Draft worth?

As per the syllabus, the rough draft of your term paper will be the basis for an individual meeting with me worth 50 points.