A first course in moral normative analysis.
PHIL 2306 .004 & .005: Introduction to Ethics
Spring 2025
.004: TR 8:00-9:15, BH-207
Don Berkich
.005: MW 2:00-3:15, BH-205
Please note that this schedule is tentative and authoritative: Changes may be made, but they would be made here. Thus this page supersedes any page with which it conflicts..
T 1/21 |
Class Cancelled due to Weather Anomaly |
(W 1/22), R 1/23 |
Introduction and Moral Dilemmas |
M 1/27, T 1/28 |
Basic Logic Concepts |
W 1/29, R 1/30 |
Logic and Theoretical Analysis |
M 2/3, T 2/4 |
Relativism I: Cultural Ethical Relativism |
W 2/5, R 2/6 |
Relativism II: Simple Ethical Subjectivism |
M 2/10, T 2/11 |
Examination I |
W 2/12, R 2/13 |
Moral Theology I: Divine Command Theory |
M 2/17, T 2/18 |
Moral Theology II: Natural Law Theory |
W 2/19, R 2/20 |
Utilitarianism I |
M 2/24, T 2/25 |
Utilitarianism II: Act Utilitarian Case Analysis |
W 2/26, R 2/27 |
Utilitarianism III |
M 3/3, T 3/4 |
Utilitarianism IV: Rule Utilitarian Case Analysis |
W 3/5, R 3/6 |
Examination II |
M 3/10, T 3/11 |
Spring Break |
W 3/12, R 3/13 |
Spring Break |
M 3/17, T 3/18 |
Deontology |
W 3/19, R 3/20 |
Deontological Case Analysis |
M 3/24, T 3/25 |
Contractarianism |
W 3/26, R 3/27 |
Contractarian Case Analysis |
M 3/21, T 4/1 |
Virtue Ethics and Its Application |
W 4/2, R 4/3 |
Principles of Moral Normative Analysis |
M 4/7, T 4/8 |
The Principle of Analogy |
W 4/9, R 4/10 |
Examination III |
M 4/14, T 4/15 |
Paternalism and Autonomy |
W 4/16, R 4/17 |
Principled Case Analysis |
M 4/21, T 4/22 |
Multi-Modal Moral Normative Case Analysis I |
W 4/23, R 4/24 |
Multi-Modal Moral Normative Case Analysis II |
M 4/28, T 4/29 |
Multi-Modal Moral Normative Case Analysis III |
W 4/30, R 5/1 |
Closing Remarks |
M 5/5 |
Closing Remarks |
Tuesday, 5/6 |
Reading Day |
Thursday, 5/8 |
.004 Examination IV, 8:00-10:30 |
Monday, 5/12 |
.005 Examination IV, 1:45-4:15 |