Examination I

Examination I

This is a brief overview of our first examination which includes some example questions. I will provide any paper you need. You are allowed to bring one hand-written two-sided 4-inch by 6-inch note-card to help you keep all the material we have covered straight. Please don't hesitate to email or text should you have any questions.

Examination I Outline

A. Logic

5 MC Questions

5 T/F Questions

1 Essay Question

Example 1: In the space provided on this and the following page, explain the Standard of Coherence by explaining why we require our theories be both internally coherent and externally coherent.

Example 2: In the space provided on this and the following page, explain why we cannot conduct experiments in ethics like scientists do in attempting to falsify their theories and use examples to explain the Standard of Reflective Equilibrium.

B. Cultural Ethical Relativism (CER)

5 MC Questions

5 T/F Questions

C. Simple Ethical Subjectivism (SES)

10 T/F Questions

D. Divine Command Theory (DCT)

10 T/F Questions

1 Essay Question

Example 1: In the space provided on this and the following page, explain as clearly as you can the Euthyphro Argument, making sure to describe the logic which leads us to a contradiction.

Example 2: In the space provided on this and the following page, set out (in numbered format) the Problem of Evil Argument, justify each of the premises (explain the reasons for thinking them true), and give at least two responses to the argument.